In today’s converging ecosystem we see a confluence of various technology domains like Mechanical engineering, Semiconductor technology, material Sciences and so on.
Solution architects today need to have a grasp of several domains. We are attempting to offer courses that can help companies overcome these challenges.
Our Engagement Model:
- Stage:1Understand your Team Objectives and Goals
- Stage:2Skills and competency requirements
- Stage:3Delivery through Industry Experts
- Stage:4Series of assessments to monitor progress.
- Stage:5Post training support to ensure objectives and goals are met

List of Courses
Firmware Course
- ARM Processors : all variants
- ARM Processors : Hardware design
- RTOS : Various Flavours
- Programming Languages
- OS Internals
- Device drivers and BSPs
- Project Management
- Design Methodologies
- Android Internals
- Other specialised Processors Eg MIPS , POWER PC, DSP technology
Firmware Course
- Electronics Design Courses
- Schematic
- Circuit Simulation
- Layout
- SI & Routing
- Thermal Analysis
- Antenna Design
- EM Simulation
Connectivity Courses
- Low power Wireless Protocols
- 4G technology
- 5G primers
Mechanical Design
- System Modelling
- 3D Design
- FEA courses
- Product Costing
- Production Scheduling
- CAD and engineering layout skills
- Multi-Objective Numerical Optimization(MONO)
- Robotics
- Light Weight Metal Design
- Motor Design
Automotive Development
- CAN BUS Protocol.
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